la dream machine
El Pódcast de La Dream Machine
Pódcast LDM #3: Organizaciones Andróginas c/ Timotheé Brès
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -55:46

Pódcast LDM #3: Organizaciones Andróginas c/ Timotheé Brès

Yin, yang, rabia, compasión y honestidad radical para colectivos


English speaking friends - welcome to La Dream Machine’s Podcast! We host multidisciplinary conversations on web3, AI, public goods, regeneration and psycotechnologies, with a latin, critical and social perspective. We aim to host them in spanish mainly, but we go for english when there’s no other way - like today’s interview with Timotheé Bres, founder of The Androgynous Organisation. You’ll find the episode description plus some notes that Tim wrote and was very kind to share after the spanish intro. Just one sec!

La semana pasada publicamos los hallazgos de la Fase 2 de la investigación “Web3 con Impacto Social en LATAM”. En total, mapeamos a 150 proyectos, seleccionamos a 110, encuestamos a 49, destacamos a 37 y realizamos 11 entrevistas en profundidad. En el sitio web encontrarán todos los hallazgos, entrevistas, descargables y MUCHO más!

Hoy volvemos con un nuevo episodio del pódcast de La Dream Machine con Timotheé Brès, investigador de liderazgos y organizaciones del futuro. Es fundador de The Androgynous Organisation, una consultoría especializada en el desarrollo de herramientas, prácticas y rituales para culturas basadas en altos niveles de confianza. También es co-host de ImpactZone, la serie de twitter spaces de Impactopia, DJ bajo el alias de Timo y coach de terapias de MDMA, entre otras cosas.

Nos conocimos en Regens Unite 2023, donde facilitó el taller “Organizaciones Andróginas y Shadow-work Colectivo”. En esta conversación, que grabamos en junio pero que recién estamos sacando del baúl, hablamos de:

  • Rol de los traumas del líder dentro del proyecto/colectivo que fundó.

  • Arquetipos manifestados en las distintas etapas de los colectivos: rey, guerrero, mago, amante.

  • Equilibrios entre energías femeninas y masculinas, yin/yang, a nivel colectivo.

  • Rabia y compasión como motores creativos.

  • Psicotecnologías que recomendaría (ho'oponopono y artes marciales, por ejemplo).

  • Más!

Incluso nos atrevimos a realizar un ejercicio improvisado de honestidad radical hacia el final del episodio. Terminamos hablando del miedo a ser vistos, el síndrome del impostor y la belleza dentro del caos. Muy íntimo, quizá, pero quisimos llevar a la práctica la abstracción de la conversación.

Lo “malo” es que la conversación y las notas están en inglés. Timotheé es francés, vive en Bélgica y no se maneja en español.

Ojo que fue tan amable de compartir algunas notas que tomó después del episodio. Las encuentran al final de la edición.

Si se animan, el equipo de The Androgynous Organisation ofrece talleres on-line y off-line para proyectos interesados en explorar su metodología. Toda la información acá. Si no tienen tiempo/cabeza para el pódcast, quizá sí para un set de tres horas que grabó b2b con MikeDMA en Kiosk Radio.

Pueden suscribirse a su newsletter acá:

Nos vemos al final,

claudio 👽

Episode Notes

Timothée Brès is a researcher on the future of leadership & organisations. He’s the founder of The Androgynous Organisation, a consultancy specialised in re-alignment tools, practices & rituals for high-trust cultures. He’s also co-host of the ImpactZone twitter space, a DJ (going by the name of Timo) and psychedelic coach, among many other things.

We met at Regens Unite 2023, where he facilitated the workshop “Collective Shadow Work for Androgynous Organisations ”. In this conversation, which was recorded in June but is just coming out, we covered: 

  • The impact of the leader’s traumas within a collective.

  • Archetypes manifested throughout the stages of a collective: shaman, king, warrior, lover

  • Equilibrium between feminine and masculine, yin/yang energies on a personal and collective level. 

  • Anger & compassion as creative engines.

  • Recommended psycho-technologies.

We even dared to improvise a radical honesty excercise by the end of the convo. Things that emerged: the fear of being seen, impostor syndrome and beauty within caos. Probs too intimate, but we wanted to jump from abstraction to practice – one of the problems we had noted before.

If you dare, The Androgynous Organisation offers online & offline workshops for organisations interested in developing androgynous capacities. Learn more here. If not, maybe this 3-hours-set that Timo recorded b2b with MikeDMA may do the trick!

And please do suscribe to their newsletter:

A few words added by Timothée after the conversation 

The Androgynous Organisation (T.A.O) is a research project exploring how to take the best and leave the rest of both centralised/top down & decentralised/bottom up models. The intention is to look at how we can reconcile impact with alignment, growth with meaning. The Androgynous model also aims at developing the emotional agility of leaders. To learn how to dance between leadership (yang) and followership (yin) in function of the context. Learn more about T.A.O. here.

Podcast comments


  • #1 blindspot of decentralised organisations is shadow hierarchy : implicit & invisible hierarchy - requires source work.

  • #2 is chaos & lack of clarity (structure, roles, boundaries & direction) - requires king energy to draw clear boundaries.

  • The main origins at individual level are the mother & father wounds and at the collective level, it’s the reaction / wounds from patriarchy / capitalism / power-over. 


  • Collective coherence is the capacity to hold intensity together. Developing these capacities (psychological safety, trust, attunement, compassion, forgiveness, courage…) within teams & individuals is the core work of The Androgynous Organisation. 

  • By measuring and tracking value/practice alignment on a regular basis, the collective inner compass is a tool & practice for ‘continuous' collective shadow work.


  • The source guardian is 80% of the time in doubt. 

  • Don’t take long term decisions when the source guardian is unclear. Wait for clarity. 

  • Learn to dance between alignment/flow and misalignment/resistance. There are 2 sides of the same coin.


  • “There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.” - Nieztsche

  • "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." - C.G. Jung

  • ”Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman.

Until next time,

Claudio 👽

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